
Alta Pharmaceuticals is in partnership and actively works with companies at all levels of the pharmaceutical sector - manufacturers / marketing authorisation holders, medicinal product wholesalers, hospital pharmacies and open pharmacies. Among the manufacturers / medicinal products marketing authorisation holders are:
Since its licensing, the company has been a partner of the Ministry of Health as a supplier of medicines under Ordinance №34 / 2005 for the order of payment from the republican budget for the treatment of the Bulgarian citizens of diseases, outside the scope of the obligatory health insurance.

Since 2010 Alta Pharmaceuticals has been successfully working with hospitals at all levels in the healthcare system. The company's policy regarding hospitals in the country is aimed at selecting key customers for maximum level of quality service. Among the contracted partners are medical institutions from all over the country, among which:

In parallel, we intensively develop our own team of medical and sales representatives engaged in the sale of products from the company's portfolio and the exclusive brands and products of the company.